Oset Dili ve Folkloru çalışmalarının temel taşı Abaytı Waso’yu ( Абайты Уасо) şükranla anıyoruz. Oset Gençlerine Vasiyeti ve hayatı ve eserleriyle ilgili interrnet kaynakları. Ruhşag u!..
We commemorate VI Abaev ( Абайты Уасо) the founding stone of Ossetian Language and Folklore Studies. His parting words for the Ossetian Youth and internet resourses for his life and works. Ryxshag y!..
Abaytı Waso'nun ( Абайты Уасо) Oset Gençlerine Vasiyeti:
Anadilimizin geleceği beni kaygılandırıyor. Dilimizin sadece toplantılarda değil günlük hayatta ve evde konuşulması çok önemlidir. Dilin kaybolması demek milletin kaybolması demektir. Dil yoksa millet de yoktur. Kaygıyla haykırıyorum: dilimizi koruyun ve muhafaza edin! Öncelikle de evde ve aile içinde. Her Oset evinin girişine şu ifadeyi büyük harflerle yazıp asınız: BURADA SADECE OSETÇE KONUŞULUR!
Мæ кæстæртæм!
Мæ зæрдæ риссы, нæ мадæлон æвззаджы хъысмæтыл куы ахъуыды кæнын уæд. Куыстуæтты æмæ æхсæнадон æмбырдты нæ, фæлæ ма хæдзары, бинонты хсæн дæр тæссаг раны бахауд. Хъуамæ алчи дæр æмбара: æвзаджы фесæфт у – адæмы фесæфт. Нæй æвзаг – нæй адæм. Фæдисы хъæр: не ‘взаг бахъахъхъæнæм, бавæрæм! Æппæты фыццаг – хадзары мидæг, бинонты хсæн. Алы хæдзары къулыл дæр хъуамæ фыст уа егъау дамгъæтæй:
Абайты В. 15 окт. 1997.
His parting words for the Ossetian Youth:
" My younger!
It hurts me when I think about the fate of our native language. His place not only in the offices and meetings, but also in everyday life, in your family is precarious. The loss of language means the death of the people - this should understand each. There is no language - no people. Beau anxiety and cry: protect, preserve our language! First of all - at home, in the family. Each house should hang on a wall poster, written in large letters:
Here we talk Ossetian! "
Vasily Ivanovich Abaev was 97 years old when a group of Tskhinvali teacher asked him to write any parting words to the younger generation of their compatriots. Here is what he told them (apologies in advance, writes Latin, as the long years of work on his dictionary unaccustomed to use the usual alphabet):
Абaytı Waso için internet kaynakları/ Internet Resourses for Abaev:
VI Abaev, Abaytı Waso'nun kitabının İngilizce çevirisi / “A grammatical sketch of Ossetic” ( in English ):
Vassily (Vaso) Abaev I. Osetçe’nin Etimolojik ve Tarihsel Sözlüğü (RUSÇA, 5 Cilt) Historical and Etymological Dictionary of Ossetian Language ( 5 Vols. Russian ) :
Abaev IV Oset Dili ve Folkloru (1949) (Rusça pdf) / Ossetian language and folklore ( Russian PDF):
Abaytı Waso’nun 15. ölüm yıl dönümü için hazırlanan tv programı, İronca / Commemorating TV Program for 15. year of His death in Ossetic:
Абaytı Waso ile sohbet, Osetçe ve Rusça / Friendly Talk with him in Ossetic and Russian:
Абaytı Waso “Max Dug” dergisindeki Folklor yazısı / His Article “ Folklor” in Max Dyg :
Abaytı Waso için yazılmış iki Osetçe şiir ve eserlerinin bağlantıları / Two poems written for Abaev:
Abaev Vasily (b. Kobi, Georgia, 15 December 1900; d. Moscow, 18 March 2001) Hayatı ve Eserleri için / Life and works: ossetians.com/eng/news.php?newsid=60&f=
Vasily Ivanovich Abaev
(01.03.1900 - 18.03.2001)
A prominent scientist, expert on Iran-Osetinologists, Academy of Sciences of Russia, professor, doctor of philological sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, member of the Asian of the Royal Society (academy), England (1966), corresponding member of the Finno-Ugric Society in Helsinki (1973) twice winner of the prize. K. Khetagurova, honored worker of science of Georgia and North Ossetia.
Winner of the USSR State Prize.
The author of many works on general and comparative linguistics, Iranian Studies and osetinovedeniyu "Nart epos" (1945), "The Ossetian language and folklore" (1949). One of the major works Abaeva - "Historical and etymological dictionary of the Ossetian language" (1958); there traced the etymology and history of Ossetian words on the material of 190 languages and communication with the Ossetian language Iranian and Indo-European, as well as with the Turkic, Finno-Ugric and other languages
Vassily (Vaso) Abaev was born in 1900 in the village of Kobe on the Georgian Military Highway in the family-Ossetian mountaineer. Primary education in the village school, the average - in Tiflis 6th grammar school (1910-1918). From 1918 to 1921 he worked as a teacher in elementary school Kobiyskoy. In 1922 he entered the Leningrad State University on Iranian discharge ethnological and linguistic department of the Faculty of Social Sciences. He graduated from the University course in 1925. At the same time, on the proposal Marr by a graduate student ILYAZV. After graduate school in 1928 sent to work in the Caucasus. Historical and Archaeological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Tiflis, and in 1930 enrolled employee Japhetic Institute of the USSR, later transformed into the Institute of Language and Thought them. Marr, in Leningrad. Since 1929 - Professor, Department of General Linguistics LIFLI.
From 16 December 1930 to December 1931 V.Abaev combined work at the institute work in PB, and first. about. Chief biblitekarya ET otddeleniyu a half salary and later chief librarian ONL.
A. In 1935 awarded academic degree of Candidate of Sciences filolologicheskih (without defending a thesis), in the same year he was appointed head of the cabinet of the Iranian Institute of language and thought.
Working outside Ossetia Abaev did not break ties with their homeland and provided great assistance to local employees, editing and reviewing scientific and other literature, consulted them, leaving the republic. For example, in January. 1941 Abaev was sent to Ossetia, with a special mission to advise the President of the USSR to study the Ossetian Nart epos.
During World War II he worked in Abaev Severo. Ossetian and South Ossetian Research Institute, and since 1944 also in charge of the Department of Severo. Ossetia. Pedagogical Institute.
In 1945 V.Abaev returned to Leningrad and then began working in the Institute of language and thought, transformed after a discussion in 1950 at the Institute of Linguistics. In 1952, together with the nucleus of scientists of the Institute moved to Moscow. In 1962 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philology (without defending a thesis), and in 1969 was awarded the title of professor.
Vaso Abaev has made a significant contribution to various fields of linguistics. He has published more than 270 works on the etymology of the theory and history of linguistic studies, Iranian and Indo-European linguistics, on various issues of general linguistics. Especially a lot of scientists made in osetinovedeniya and nartovedeniya. In-depth study of the works osetinovedcheskih undergone all the major problems of modern grammar and lexicology, phonetics and morphology, dialectology and the history of the Ossetian language. Vaso Abaev - composer of "Historical and etymological dictionary of the Ossetian language". Of the large number of works folkloristskih highlights research Abaeva dedicated to the world famous heroic epic "sledges". In some Abaeva work appears as a literary critic, published an article devoted to the works of Costa Khetagurova, Georgievich Maliyev, Gadieva Seca, as well as some theoretical problems of literature.
He participated in the XVI Congress. German Orientalists (Halle, 1958) and XXV International Congress of Orientalists (Moscow, 1960).
V.Abaev- full member of the Royal Asiatic Soc. of Great Britain and Ireland and a member of the Finno-Ugric -korrespondent obschestvava in Helsinki.
He has lectured in the Collège de France (Paris, 1966).
Basil Abaev- honored worker of science of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1957) and the Georgian SSR (1980), the first winner of the State Prize. Khetagurova Costa (1966), laureate of USSR State Prize (1981).
He was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor, medals "For Defense of the Caucasus" and "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945".
Vaso Abaev lived 101 years. His name is linked to a whole epoch in Russian linguistics and Iranian Studies.
He died in March 2001 and was buried in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, in the Pantheon Ossetian Church, next to the grave of the great Costa.
Cit .: Fav. tr .: In 4 t. Vladikavkaz, 1990-95. T. 1-2; Of stress in the Ossetian language //
Dokl. Russian Academy of Sciences. 1924 October-December .; Nicholas Marr: (Necro.) //
West. USSR Academy of Sciences. 1935. number 1; Rhythmic Ossetian speech //
From the Ossetian epic. M .; L., 1949;
Grammatical sketches of the Ossetian language. Ordzhonikidze, 1958;
Historical and etymological dictionary of Ossetian language: In 4 t M .;. A, 1958-1989. T. 1-4 (. Play Repro M., 1996.);
On cross isoglosses //
Etymology, 1966. M., 1968; From the Iranian onomastics //
The history of the Iranian nation and culture. M., 1971; As the Apostle Peter became Neptune //
Etymology, 1970. M., 1972; On the issue of the ancestral home of the ancient migrations of Indo-Iranzu peoples //
Ancient East and the ancient world. M., 1972; Humanities aspects of theoretical linguistics //
Math. USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser. Litas. and lang. 1973. T. 32, no. 6; About variance sonants //
Folia linguistica. 1973. T. 6, № 1/2; Myth and history in the Ghats Zaroastra // Historical and philological studies: Sat. Art. the memory of Acad. Konrad. M., 1974; Zaroastr and Scythians //
Monumentum HS Nyberg, 3. Téhéran-Ziége, 1975; Armeno-Ossetica //
Load cells. 1978. number 6; Scythian-Sarmatian dialect //
Fundamentals of Iranian Linguistics: Drevneiran. lang. M., 1979; Nart epic Ossetians. Tskhinvali, 1982; Avestica //
Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungen: Festschr. fur J. Knobloch. Innsbruck, 1985; Corrections and additions to the historical and etymological dictionary of the Ossetian language. I (1958), II (1973), III (1979), IV (1989) //
Historical and etymological dictionary of Ossetian language: Decree. / Comp. EN Schensnovich AV Lushnikova, LR Dodyhudoeva. M., 1995.
Ref .: TSB; FOD; Sci. slave. A-Yes; Miliband. 1975; 1995; Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg University. SPb., 1995.
Lit .: A. ASOA largest Soviet linguist Osetinologists //
North. Ossetia. Staliniri, 1958 May 27; Isayev MI VIAbaev as the largest Iranist-Osetinologists //
Math. South Ossetia. Research Institute. 1958. Vol. 9 (refs.); Gagloeva ZD Ossetia Ethnography in the works of VI Abaev //
Math. South Ossetia. Research Institute. 1960. Vol. 10; Iranian Linguistics: history, etymology, typology: (On the 75th anniversary of Prof. V. Abaev.). Moscow, 1976 (refs.); Questions and general Iranian Philology: Coll. v.. Tbilisi 1977 (refs.); Isayev MI, Rastorguyeva VS prominent Soviet-Iranian Studies Osetinologists //
Ossetia. philology. Ordzhonikidze, 1977. Vol. 1; Isayev MI Vaso Abaev. Ordzhonikidze, 1980 (refs.);
The poetics of the genre: the 80th anniversary of ... VIAbaev: Hi. Sat. Art. Ordzhonikidze, 1980 (refs.).
Arch .: Arch. NLR. F. 10/1.
Ikonogr .: fav. tr. T. 2.
